Posted tagged ‘HHO gas’

Measuring My MPG to start the Project

June 18, 2008

So after feeling the pain of the higher gas prices, I have decided to see what other “fuel” additives are out there.  I have found a site called water4gas and liked what I saw so I decided to purchase their E Book.  This process basically takes distilled water, baking soda, and a electric current to produce a gas called HHO gas (brown gas) that is then fed into your cars intake manifold.  I have ordered a “kit” online and I will tell you, BUY A KIT PREBUILT!!!  This was somewhat of a pain and if you check back, I will give you links to piece your own kit together to get maximum results.  I am not going to go in depth on the process of this kit for you can do your own DD.  What I will provide are pictures of my set up when it is complete, my impressions and my MPG that I am getting.